Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization
The Farm Mechanization Faculty was founded in 1950.
The number of lecturers having academic degrees has exceeded 75%. There is a council on the defense of PhD and doctoral thesises at the Faculty. Two doctoral thesises and 15 PhD thesises were defended during last five years. 12 monographs, more than 70 text books and tutorials, 500 research papers were published. The Faculty has 79 patents for inventions.
New professions have been recently opened. It allowed to use the specialists not only in agricultural sectors but in other branches of economy.
The lecturers of the Faculty (V.X. Maliev, V.E. Kulaev, Y.M. Shapran, M.L. Pantich, I.V. Kapustin, B.V. Malyuchenko, A.K Kobzev, V.V. Fokin, V.V. Ochinskiy) carry out research, scientific and inventive activity at the high level.
The students and postgraduates took part in the creative contents and held the best. The lecturers E.M. Zubrilina, L.I. Vysochkina, N.Y. Zemlayanushkina gained grants worth millions. A.V.Orlaynskiy, V.I. Marchenro, A.T. Lebedev, A.V. Bobryshov, V.S. Koiychev, S.D. Ridniy, V.I. Budkov, A.N. Petenev, S.P. Babenyshov continue the best traditions of the Faculty.
The young scientists E.V. Kulaev, E.V. Gerasimov, M.V. Danilov, E.M. Zubrilina, D.I. Gritsay, V.A. Alekseenko, D.V. Ivanov, A.V. Zacharin, P.A.Lebedev,V.Y.Gal’kov, R.M. Aykubov are ready to take the future of the Faculty.

The lecturers of the Mechanics and Computer Graphics Faculty apply automated graphic reactors “КOMPAS-3D”, “Autocad”, complexes for calculations and designing of machines and mechanisms APM Winmachine, modern technology 3D – prototype and “reverse engineering” that are used by the leading design Facultys in Russia.
The main schools of the research-scientific activity are:
- designing and optimization of the production processes (research supervisor, professor A.V. Orlaynskiy);
- adoption of modern information technologies of mechanical systems into the training, research and productive process (research supervisor, docent E.V. Kulaev);
- development of baromembrane technique to filter liquid high molecular polydisperse systems through nanoporous medium (research supervisor, professor S.P. Babenyshev).
The pride of the Mobile Power Means Faculty is its high history and unique training base. Visual aids, test desks, operational models are used during studies. The sphere of the research activity is effective technology of purification of liquid-gas means by controllable magnetic fields. This purification showed good results when cleaned engine oils and air in the combustion chamber.
The staff of the Technological Equipment of Livestock and Processing Enterprises
Faculty trains the specialists for both large industrial stockbreeding complexes and farm enterprises. The Faculty offers its own unique technologies and technical facilities which help solve the problems in mechanization of animal husbandry. At the Faculty a small innovative business was organized by the leader of docent V.I Marchenko. The Faculty staff worked out the unique innovative project “Alternative technology of waste processing on poultry farming with obtaining healthy products”.

One of the leading Facultys at the Faculty is Technological service, Standardization and Metrology Faculty. The staff gives the knowledge and practical skills in the sphere of organization and technology of machinery and equipment repairing in the agricultural sector. The Faculty staff took an active part in 48 international, Russian, and regional conferences. Their research-technical developments were presented at 17 international exhibitions, shows, six agro-industrial exhibitions. Two silver medals and more than 20 awards were won. Professor A.T. Lebedev defended the doctoral thesis.
The staff of the Processes and Machines in Agrobusiness Faculty masters the knowledge about regularities and methods of effective application of tractors, cars, farm and land reclamation machines. The Faculty began to reorganize its work in order to keep the leading position. Material and technical base was reequipped. New modern diagnostic equipment of foreign manufacturers allowed to organize Advanced training and retraining centre for specialists in the agricultural sector. The centre has everything to train specialists obtaining the modern methods to diagnose machines.
Now a universal control center is at the stage of completion. It will allow to trace the information about the application of the fleet of vehicles and tractors ( loading, optimum unit composition, technical state, cost efficiency, etc) and to respond to it quickly. This model of modern management of mechanized field operations will be used for organization of the running the fleet of vehicles and tractors and will be a training base for those who wants to organize such services on the farms in Stavropol krai.

The Faculty development is realized by the innovative subdivisions. On the base of these subdivisions the student classes are held; postgraduates, doctoral candidates and research assistants carry out their research work; seminars and studies on advanced training with workers of engineering services in the agricultural sector are held; innovative technologies of designing technical means and production processes, technology of precise farming on the base of geoinformation systems are studied and put into practice; the influence of oil characteristics on the tractor engines’ efficiency is examined; effective technologies of waste recycling in animal husbandry are developed and put into practice.
The students are the pride of the Faculty. They are active participants of the University life. The best students have a study trip in many European counties and the USA. Every year student units help farms harvest crops. The student mechanized unit “ Кolos” is the best one in Russia.
Qualified lecturers obtaining innovative research-technical infrastructure provide perspective and creative development at the Farm Mechanization Faculty.

Qualified lecturers obtaining innovative research-technical infrastructure provide perspective and creative development at the Farm Mechanization Faculty.
Lebedev Anatoliy Timofeevich
Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization
Scientific degree: Doctor of technical sciences